free Palestine! tak perlu berceloteh panjang semua faham. semua tahu. semua nampak. cuma mungkin ada yang masih buta hati. umat islam, senjata paling hebat kita, DOA. so, let us pray for them!
AMARAN : kindly aware that this blog owner is kinda LOVE to dream. about life. about anything. normally, lepas berangan sorang-sorang, she will typing those hanky-panky sweet sour stories. but please keep in mind, the stories are surely not her own life timeline, but only her imagination. kadang-kadang, dia suka tulis opinion dia pasal sesuatu isu. jarang update, remind awal-awal. neway, enjoy reading!
wey nk copy gambr neh.he:)
shaza: amek laa! hee.
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