"when i grow up, i wanna be a doctor!"
"when i grow up.. teacher! ..engineer! ..pilot! ..lecturer ..accountant! .."all those are answers to a very familiar question, "what is your ambition?", asked when we're little kiddo. naah. typical n proud answers. but, try la tgk, bpe ramai jek yg betol2 mncapai 'cita-cita' tersebut? and, there are lot lots of reasons on why it doesnt be like what it should be. most common, study xlepas. when growing, minat tibe2 tuka arah. dr science kpd sastera. hee. and, the one yg nk highlight, parents hopes, wishes n perhaps, wasiat?? hoo.
xyah amek contoh org len, juz me cukop. dlu, lau org tnye soklan cm kat atas tu, or tulis biodata kat lam buku mse skola rendah dlu an, ak msti tulis, PENSYARAH. coz wut? parents cikgu, then cikgu ak plak ckp, kite kene jd lg ebat dr parents. so, kire lg tggi sket la kan, lecturer. aha. mind set knk2. then, nek umo sket, its changed. from the current, to ACCOUNTANT. why? coz mase tu gile mnt math xingat dunie. haa. terer math = accountant. still, mind set budak2. hee.
then, secondary school. lau perkenalkan diri tu, mmg xlepas la soklan, "cite-cite?". guess what? the answer, back to the first, lecturer. sbb? mngalami mslh ala2 split personaliti. confuse. so, sng cite, hentam la. hehe. senior2 penah ckp, lau nk pkr kareer mse dpan, afta pmr, da kene serius pkr. sbb aliran yg kite amek tu lah, penentu.
papp! kene plak result pmr sgt best. maka, bermula la harapan mggunung parents. amek sains. mreke harap, anak dara diorg yg sorg je ni, akan suatu hari nnt, jd seorg DOKTOR. haila!
ak kate, ok, strive for it. tp, hati ak kate, yeke ni? should i? am i a doctor to be?
but, da kate lam ati, so mmg xkuar2 la. bersawang je lam ati. mmg try to be, kaw-kaw minat biology. but the truth, im forcing maself to love biology. erkk.
okeyh next, dpt result spm, thanx god, agak ok la, shock me, my physic was A instead of my biology. ahah. hikmah di sebaliknye? maseh ingat, seloroh manje tasha, "fizik ko A? aii, tu tndenye, ko kene mnjurus ke arah fizik tuh. hehe". yeah, perhaps. that was totally what im thinking tOo.
kemudian, jeng.. jeng.. jeng.. hehe, berlaku la kesilapan besar pertama lam idop ak, mse mohon JPA, ak g bantai mnx kedoktoran. bengOng. da taw result lebih kurg, ade ati tuu! tnyeela sbb. sbb? permintaan mreke. even mreke x directly asked, but i knew, they were wishing for it. hoho. penyesalan? of course, mgkin, mungkin skali, permohonan tu, adalah kejurutraan, it may b considered. menyesal? naah. da xgune da.
matrikulasi. aliran sains. tp maseh xtaw cabang pe. abah suruh, sume taw la kan, hayat. ak pon mohon la. mane taw, berkat ibu bapa. and again, its shown, ak dpt, sains fizikal. frankly, ad prasaan halus yg cam buat ak hepy n suke laa! berat. ak inform abah. ayat pertama,"boleh mohon tukar kan?" see. ak pon aci mcm nk xnk jek ckp boleh tuka. haila, dlm ati mmg xnak tukaa!
mcm bese, dlm ati, is matter dlm ati. still, i asked for changed and worth it. matrices life was deniable. happening. suke duke. sume la campOor2. kat situ la knal dunie slain dunia prsekolahan. kat situ la kenal cbran. kat situ la kenal cintaa. eh? hehe. shhh. :)
dan berlaku lg kesilapan, ak leka n sng ckp, maen2 mase tuh. bukk! amekk..
result pon atas pagar jekk. mcm ni, attitude sorg doktor?? naah. jauh panggang dari api.
okeh, tgk banding beza eh, a fren of mine, yg bakal jd real2 doktor, rajen tahap x engat. me? on off jekk. daya hafalan? mantap! me? gelak sket ilang sume. they hve their own secretly attitude which is hard to me to tell. definitely, different from me. and, the fact that im not going to be a doctor is already known by me ages ago, but still, i want to follow their wish. why ehh?
urmm. now, im taking my degree on polymer engineering. see? mohon dlm bidang biologi, dpt gak kejurutraan. think about if i try it at the first place before? yaa. no need to regret. kate org, ade hikmah di sebaliknye. juz, gembira seadanye dgn kehidupan skrg. lebih2 lg, mreke juga, suda dpt terima, yg ak, bkn calon mereka2 yg beruniform puteh. :)
tringat kata2 abah lpas dpt twran degree dlu,"abah da agak, akak msti akn ke arah fizik..". huhh?? nak salahkn siape? parents yg mahukan yg terbaek tuk anak2? atau diri sendiri yang xtaw nk pertahankan pndirian serta xgunakan kesempatan dan peluang sebaik nye?
nasihatku: kpd mereka yg maseh berkire2 nk jd pe, look at ur own potential, decide ur own decision. semoga x menyesal once.
continue the lyfe.
"melentur buluh biar dr rebung nye"
xyah amek contoh org len, juz me cukop. dlu, lau org tnye soklan cm kat atas tu, or tulis biodata kat lam buku mse skola rendah dlu an, ak msti tulis, PENSYARAH. coz wut? parents cikgu, then cikgu ak plak ckp, kite kene jd lg ebat dr parents. so, kire lg tggi sket la kan, lecturer. aha. mind set knk2. then, nek umo sket, its changed. from the current, to ACCOUNTANT. why? coz mase tu gile mnt math xingat dunie. haa. terer math = accountant. still, mind set budak2. hee.
then, secondary school. lau perkenalkan diri tu, mmg xlepas la soklan, "cite-cite?". guess what? the answer, back to the first, lecturer. sbb? mngalami mslh ala2 split personaliti. confuse. so, sng cite, hentam la. hehe. senior2 penah ckp, lau nk pkr kareer mse dpan, afta pmr, da kene serius pkr. sbb aliran yg kite amek tu lah, penentu.
papp! kene plak result pmr sgt best. maka, bermula la harapan mggunung parents. amek sains. mreke harap, anak dara diorg yg sorg je ni, akan suatu hari nnt, jd seorg DOKTOR. haila!
ak kate, ok, strive for it. tp, hati ak kate, yeke ni? should i? am i a doctor to be?
but, da kate lam ati, so mmg xkuar2 la. bersawang je lam ati. mmg try to be, kaw-kaw minat biology. but the truth, im forcing maself to love biology. erkk.
okeyh next, dpt result spm, thanx god, agak ok la, shock me, my physic was A instead of my biology. ahah. hikmah di sebaliknye? maseh ingat, seloroh manje tasha, "fizik ko A? aii, tu tndenye, ko kene mnjurus ke arah fizik tuh. hehe". yeah, perhaps. that was totally what im thinking tOo.
kemudian, jeng.. jeng.. jeng.. hehe, berlaku la kesilapan besar pertama lam idop ak, mse mohon JPA, ak g bantai mnx kedoktoran. bengOng. da taw result lebih kurg, ade ati tuu! tnyeela sbb. sbb? permintaan mreke. even mreke x directly asked, but i knew, they were wishing for it. hoho. penyesalan? of course, mgkin, mungkin skali, permohonan tu, adalah kejurutraan, it may b considered. menyesal? naah. da xgune da.
matrikulasi. aliran sains. tp maseh xtaw cabang pe. abah suruh, sume taw la kan, hayat. ak pon mohon la. mane taw, berkat ibu bapa. and again, its shown, ak dpt, sains fizikal. frankly, ad prasaan halus yg cam buat ak hepy n suke laa! berat. ak inform abah. ayat pertama,"boleh mohon tukar kan?" see. ak pon aci mcm nk xnk jek ckp boleh tuka. haila, dlm ati mmg xnak tukaa!
mcm bese, dlm ati, is matter dlm ati. still, i asked for changed and worth it. matrices life was deniable. happening. suke duke. sume la campOor2. kat situ la knal dunie slain dunia prsekolahan. kat situ la kenal cbran. kat situ la kenal cintaa. eh? hehe. shhh. :)
dan berlaku lg kesilapan, ak leka n sng ckp, maen2 mase tuh. bukk! amekk..
result pon atas pagar jekk. mcm ni, attitude sorg doktor?? naah. jauh panggang dari api.
okeh, tgk banding beza eh, a fren of mine, yg bakal jd real2 doktor, rajen tahap x engat. me? on off jekk. daya hafalan? mantap! me? gelak sket ilang sume. they hve their own secretly attitude which is hard to me to tell. definitely, different from me. and, the fact that im not going to be a doctor is already known by me ages ago, but still, i want to follow their wish. why ehh?
urmm. now, im taking my degree on polymer engineering. see? mohon dlm bidang biologi, dpt gak kejurutraan. think about if i try it at the first place before? yaa. no need to regret. kate org, ade hikmah di sebaliknye. juz, gembira seadanye dgn kehidupan skrg. lebih2 lg, mreke juga, suda dpt terima, yg ak, bkn calon mereka2 yg beruniform puteh. :)
tringat kata2 abah lpas dpt twran degree dlu,"abah da agak, akak msti akn ke arah fizik..". huhh?? nak salahkn siape? parents yg mahukan yg terbaek tuk anak2? atau diri sendiri yang xtaw nk pertahankan pndirian serta xgunakan kesempatan dan peluang sebaik nye?
nasihatku: kpd mereka yg maseh berkire2 nk jd pe, look at ur own potential, decide ur own decision. semoga x menyesal once.
"melentur buluh biar dr rebung nye"
just follow what ur heart say..
n now,u're an engineer to be like me!!
juz a lil bit regret coz x ikot dr awal.
lau x,mayb kat utp gak kot?
cewahh. pasan. hee.
yeah, idop engineer pompuan! hek3. :)
aah kn?hmm..xpela..dh lepas dh pn..
skang ni just go on je ngn pe yg telah ditakdirkn..
yeah,idup engineer!!
aah syafi..
just follow the path yg Allah tentukan..
smoga berjaya..hehe
uhuu. okeh darl. thnx! :)
interesting..just remeber ape yg berlaku ade hikmahnye..dn tuhan x kan bgi satu ujian itu pda umatnya melainkan Allah yakin mereka dpt mengharunginya..ryte? so enjoy ur life to the fullest n mulakn stu hidup bru..
hee..yeahh..u r rite.
i am. new life with new spirit.
thnx for reading!
ape function peribahasa yg last 2???
anonym: err. amek yg baek dr itu. kdg2 xde kene ngene pon.. hee. :)
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