AMARAN : kindly aware that this blog owner is kinda LOVE to dream. about life. about anything. normally, lepas berangan sorang-sorang, she will typing those hanky-panky sweet sour stories. but please keep in mind, the stories are surely not her own life timeline, but only her imagination. kadang-kadang, dia suka tulis opinion dia pasal sesuatu isu. jarang update, remind awal-awal. neway, enjoy reading!
ada orang ajak akak kawen ke ?
ajak maen2 jekk rasenye. tp soklan tu remind me at sum1 i hate. hehe. lepas geram sket. kui3
jgn cm2 p,oke ape ade org ajk kawen.haha
quyahh: lau aku taw spe yg ajak ok gak. hehe. tp mmg nk kene r tuhh. gile agaknye. lalala~
jgn percaya kata2 manusia..
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